
MixMaster2023 is a music community effort. We are seeking volunteers for the day of the conference, as well as help in organizing and promoting the event.

If you are a musician or a fan who is passionate about supporting your music community, volunteering for MixMaster2023 is a great way to get involved. You are guaranteed to meet many musicians, as well as build connections to music industry in Lawrence and the wider region.

Simply send an email lawrencemusicalliance[at]gmail.com addressing the following three points:

  • Your name and location
  • If you are a musician, tell us briefly about your act or band
  • What skills you can bring and what you would like to work on

MixMaster2023 is a program of the Lawrence Music Alliance and is supported by the City of Lawrence, KS and the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission.

Presenting program partners include: